Mar 6, 2013

Technological Tiger

 " Mean Machine " 

Technological Tiger

Who What Where

 A scalar is a number and just has its magnitude; a vector has magnitude and direction.  However, a vector can have zero magnitude, and therefore is going nowhere.  Now take this "Null Vector" and multiply it with an "Infinity Scalar" and you get the Human Civilization.

  That is what I call a Displacement Cipher in life.  It is not even as cryptic as Julius Caesar's elementary encryption version.  Actually, though, given our tentacles, and our locked mindsets, we wake up in the morning like pawns in a social machine; a tug of war game to make our mirth felt.  Really, when did we start caring beyond true pleasantries?  And, towards what end?  Glad you don't know you are going nowhere, else you would not wake up each morning.

  This free flowing writing will be wise and witty, factual meditation and philosophical therapy, both, as it reveals some basic tenets, and how we daily throw away a bit of our self, till we are no more.

  Mind over matter, that is.  Are we doing somethings worthwhile that are long-lasting or somethings lasting-long enough that we lost the worth a while ago?

  It is hard to believe, but the human race and most individuals that make the element of the human race stand still in a spirally, whirl world.

  Here is an example that will clarify the point:

  A tiger is a tiger from as long as it has evolved.  It goes after a prey, devours it.

  A human being can sometimes be a prey to a tiger.

  But, that has almost changed.  We have mastered enough technology that we can now capture a tiger and cage it.  Right?  Read on.

  We have gone a little further backwards.  We have invented a technological tiger, such that we still fall prey to it.

  So my question for this afternoon is, have we tamed the beast, or tinned it in us?

  We are no more safe today than in the prehistoric nomadic life-styled tiger-land.  We have let loose multiple tigers, and we have no technological know-how to cage these newly beasts.  Worst, we do not even know that they are "tigers" that can prey on our innocence, absent-mindedness, or out-of-foresightedness.  And, we are gone.

  In physics, the displacement is cipher if you are back to the starting point no matter how much work you do, and for how long you do it.  Displacement Cipher.